First try to separate account.php

This commit is contained in:
katagia 2003-09-11 16:55:57 +00:00
parent 8fd86f019d
commit a8f2a82e53
5 changed files with 664 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ $helpArray = array (
"418" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Expire date"),
"Text" => _("Account expire date. If an account is expired login is only possible if password expire is set. Format: DD-MM-YYYY")),
"424" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Surname"),
"Text" => _("Surname of user. Only letters, - and spaces are allowed. Have you ever seen anybody with a number in his name?")),
"Text" => _("Surname of user. Only letters, - and spaces are allowed.")),
"425" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Given name"),
"Text" => _("Given name of user. Only letters - and spaces are allowed. Have you ever seen anybody with a number in his name?")),
"426" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Use no password"),

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class account { // This class keeps all needed values for any account
var $general_shell; // array(string) list off all valid shells (user) hosts are hard-wired to /bin/false
var $general_gecos; // string, gecos-field (user|roup|host)
// Unix Password Settings
var $unix_memberUid; // string Stores all users which are member of group but is not primary group (group)
var $unix_memberUid; // array Stores all users which are member of group but is not primary group (group)
var $unix_password; // string for unix-password (user|host)
var $unix_password_no; // string (0|1) set unix-password to none (user|host)
var $unix_pwdwarn; // string number of days a user is warned before password expires (user|host) value must be a natural number (user|host)
@ -169,6 +169,15 @@ function replace_umlaut($text) { // This function will replace umlates with ascc
return strtr($text, $aTranslate);
function array_delete($values, $array) { // This function will return all values from $array without values of $values
foreach ($array as $array_value)
if (!in_array($array_value, $values))
$return[] = $array_value;
return $return;
function checkglobal($values, $type, $values_old=false) { // This functions checks all global account parameters $values is class account(), $type=user|host|group
// If all values are OK an array of class account is returned. Else an error-string is returned
$return = new account();
@ -736,8 +745,8 @@ function checkid($values, $type, $values_old=false) { // if value is empty will
// $ids[] = $_SESSION['hostDN'][$key]['uidNumber'];
if ($values->general_uidNumber=='')
if (!$values_old) {
if ($values->general_uidNumber=='') {
if (!isset($values_old)) {
if ($keys) {
$id = 0;
foreach ($keys as $key)
@ -759,8 +768,10 @@ function checkid($values, $type, $values_old=false) { // if value is empty will
else $useID = $minID;
return intval($useID);
else return intval($values_old->general_uidNumber);
else {
return intval($values_old->general_uidNumber);
// Check manual ID
if ( $values->general_uidNumber < $minID || $values->general_uidNumber > $maxID) return sprintf(_('Please enter a value between %s and %s!'), $minID, $maxID);
foreach ($keys as $key)
@ -985,8 +996,7 @@ function loadgroup($dn) { // Will load all needed values from an existing group
while (isset($attr['memberUid'][$i])) {
if ($i==0) $return->unix_memberUid = $attr['memberUid'][$i];
else $return->unix_memberUid = $return->unix_memberUid . ', ' . $attr['memberUid'][$i];
$return->unix_memberUid[$i] = $attr['memberUid'][$i];
if (isset($attr['gidNumber'][0])) $return->general_uidNumber = $attr['gidNumber'][0];
@ -995,8 +1005,6 @@ function loadgroup($dn) { // Will load all needed values from an existing group
$return->general_username = $attr['cn'][0];
if ($_SESSION['config']->scriptServer) getquotas('group',$attr['cn'][0]);
//if (isset($attr['memberUid'][0])) $return->general_memberUid = $attr['memberUid'][0];
if (is_array($return->general_memberUid)) array_shift($return->general_memberUid);
if (isset($attr['sambaSID'][0])) {
$return->smb_mapgroup = $attr['sambaSID'][0];
$temp = explode('-', $attr['sambaSID'][0]);
@ -1372,7 +1380,7 @@ function modifyuser($values,$values_old) { // Will modify the LDAP-Account
(($_SESSION['config']->samba3 =='yes') && (!in_array('sambaSamAccount', $_SESSION['account_old']->general_objectClass))) ||
(($_SESSION['config']->samba3 !='yes') && (!in_array('sambaAccount', $_SESSION['account_old']->general_objectClass)))) {
$result = ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $values_old->general_dn, "objectclass=PosixGroup");
$result = ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $values_old->general_dn, "objectclass=PosixAccount");
$entry = ldap_first_entry($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $result);
$attr_old = ldap_get_attributes($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $entry);
// remove "count" from array
@ -1509,13 +1517,13 @@ function createhost($values) { // Will create the LDAP-Account
$attr['gidNumber'] = getgid($values->general_group); // posixAccount_req
$attr['homeDirectory'] = $values->general_homedir; // posixAccount_req
$values->unix_memberUid = str_replace(' ', '', $values->unix_memberUid);
$memberUid = explode (',', $values->unix_memberUid);
while(isset($memberUid[$i])) {
if ($memberUid[$i]!='') $attr['memberUid'][$i] = $memberUid[$i];
//$values->unix_memberUid = str_replace(' ', '', $values->unix_memberUid);
//$memberUid = explode (',', $values->unix_memberUid);
//while(isset($memberUid[$i])) {
// if ($memberUid[$i]!='') $attr['memberUid'][$i] = $memberUid[$i];
// $i++;
// }
// posixAccount_may shadowAccount_may
//if ($values->unix_password_no) $values->unix_password = '';
$values->unix_password = '';
@ -1600,7 +1608,7 @@ function modifyhost($values,$values_old) { // Will modify the LDAP-Account
(($_SESSION['config']->samba3 =='yes') && (!in_array('sambaSamAccount', $_SESSION['account_old']->general_objectClass))) ||
(($_SESSION['config']->samba3 !='yes') && (!in_array('sambaAccount', $_SESSION['account_old']->general_objectClass)))) {
$result = ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $values_old->general_dn, "objectclass=PosixGroup");
$result = ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $values_old->general_dn, "objectclass=PosixAccount");
$entry = ldap_first_entry($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $result);
$attr_old = ldap_get_attributes($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $entry);
// remove "count" from array
@ -1723,12 +1731,14 @@ function modifygroup($values,$values_old) { // Will modify the LDAP-Group
if (($values->unix_memberUid != $values_old->unix_memberUid)) {
$values->unix_memberUid = str_replace(' ', '', $values->unix_memberUid);
$memberUid = explode (',', $values->unix_memberUid);
$values_old->unix_memberUid = str_replace(' ', '', $values_old->unix_memberUid);
$memberUid_old = explode (',', $values_old->unix_memberUid);
if ($memberUid[0]=='') $attr_rem['memberUid'] = $memberUid_old;
else if ($memberUid[0]!='') $attr['memberUid'] = $memberUid;
//$values->unix_memberUid = str_replace(' ', '', $values->unix_memberUid);
//$memberUid = explode (',', $values->unix_memberUid);
//$values_old->unix_memberUid = str_replace(' ', '', $values_old->unix_memberUid);
//$memberUid_old = explode (',', $values_old->unix_memberUid);
//if ($memberUid[0]=='') $attr_rem['memberUid'] = $memberUid_old;
// else if ($memberUid[0]!='') $attr['memberUid'] = $memberUid;
if (count($values->unix_memberUid)==0) $attr_rem['memberUid'] = $values_old->unix_memberUid;
else $attr['memberUid'] = $values->unix_memberUid;
if ($attr_rem) {

View File

@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ tr.domainlist-checked {
/* table preferences */
table.account {

View File

@ -41,6 +41,60 @@ switch ($_POST['select']) { // Select which part of page should be loaded and ch
// final = last page shown before account is created/modified
// if account is modified commands might be ran are shown
// finish = page shown after account has been created/modified
case 'groupmembers':
do {
if (isset($_POST['users']) && isset($_POST['add'])) {
// Add new user
$_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = array_merge($_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid, $_POST['users']);
// remove doubles
$_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = array_flip($_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid);
$_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = array_flip($_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid);
// sort user
// display groupmembers page
$select_local = 'groupmembers';
if (isset($_POST['members']) && isset($_POST['remove'])) {
$_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = array_delete($_POST['members'], $_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid);
$select_local = 'groupmembers';
if (isset($_POST['back'])) {
$select_local = 'general';
if (isset($_POST['next']))
if ($_SESSION['config']->samba3=='yes') {
$select_local = 'samba';
else {
$select_local = 'quota';
} while(0);
/* $select_local = 'groupmembers';
* if (isset($_POST['users']) && isset($_POST['add'])) {
* // Add new user
* $_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = array_merge($_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid, $_POST['users']);
* // remove doubles
* $_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = array_flip($_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid);
* array_unique($_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid);
* $_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = array_flip($_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid);
* // sort user
* sort($_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid);
* }
* if (isset($_POST['members']) && isset($_POST['remove'])) {
* $_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = array_delete($_POST['members'], $_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid);
* }
* if (isset($_POST['back'])) $select_local = 'general';
* if (isset($_POST['next']))
* if ($_SESSION['config']->samba3=='yes') $select_local = 'samba';
* else $select_local = 'quota';
case 'general':
// Write all general values into $_SESSION['account'] if no profile should be loaded
if (!$_POST['load']) {
@ -72,7 +126,7 @@ switch ($_POST['select']) { // Select which part of page should be loaded and ch
if ($_POST['next'] && ($errors==''))
switch ($_SESSION['account']->type) {
case 'user': $select_local = 'unix'; break;
case 'group': $select_local = 'unix'; break;
case 'group': $select_local = 'groupmembers'; break;
case 'host': $select_local = 'samba'; break;
@ -96,8 +150,8 @@ switch ($_POST['select']) { // Select which part of page should be loaded and ch
else $_SESSION['account']->unix_pwdmaxage = '';
if (isset($_POST['f_unix_pwdminage'])) $_SESSION['account']->unix_pwdminage = $_POST['f_unix_pwdminage'];
else $_SESSION['account']->unix_pwdminage = '';
if (isset($_POST['f_unix_memberUid'])) $_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = $_POST['f_unix_memberUid'];
else $_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = '';
//if (isset($_POST['f_unix_memberUid'])) $_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = $_POST['f_unix_memberUid'];
// else $_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = '';
if (isset($_POST['f_unix_host'])) $_SESSION['account']->unix_host = $_POST['f_unix_host'];
else $_SESSION['account']->unix_host = '';
$_SESSION['account']->unix_pwdexpire = mktime(10, 0, 0, $_POST['f_unix_pwdexpire_mon'],
@ -199,7 +253,7 @@ switch ($_POST['select']) { // Select which part of page should be loaded and ch
if ($_POST['back'])
switch ($_SESSION['account']->type) {
case 'user': $select_local = 'unix'; break;
case 'group': $select_local = 'unix'; break;
case 'group': $select_local = 'groupmembers'; break;
else if ($_POST['next'])
@ -236,7 +290,7 @@ switch ($_POST['select']) { // Select which part of page should be loaded and ch
switch ($_SESSION['account']->type) {
case 'user': $select_local = 'samba'; break;
case 'group': if ($_SESSION['config']->samba3=='yes') $select_local = 'samba';
else $select_local = 'unix'; break;
else $select_local = 'groupmembers'; break;
else if ($_POST['next'])
if ($errors=='')
@ -346,7 +400,7 @@ else {
if ($_POST['groupmembers']) $select_local = 'groupmembers';
if ($select_local != 'pdf') {
// Write HTML-Header and part of Table
@ -431,6 +485,29 @@ switch ($select_local) { // Select which part of page will be loaded
// final = last page shown before account is created/modified
// if account is modified commands might be ran are shown
// finish = page shown after account has been created/modified
case 'groupmembers':
echo '<tr><td><input name="select" type="hidden" value="groupmembers">';
echo _('Group members');
echo '</td><td></td><td>'."\n";
echo _('Available users');
echo '</td></tr>'."\n".'<tr><td>';
echo '<select name="members[]" size=20 multiple>'."\n";
for ($i=0; $i<count($_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid); $i++)
if ($_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid[$i]!='') echo "<option>".$_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid[$i]."</option>\n";
echo '</select></td><td><input type="submit" name="add" value="<=">'."\n";
echo '<br><br><input type="submit" name="remove" value="=>"></td><td>'."\n";
echo '<select name="users[]" size=20 multiple>'."\n";
foreach ($_SESSION['userDN'] as $temp)
if (is_array($temp)) {
echo "<option>$temp[cn]</option>\n";
echo '</select></td></tr>'."\n";
echo '<tr><td>'.
'<input name="back" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Back'); echo '"></td><td></td><td>'.
'<input name="next" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Next'); echo '">'.
case 'general':
// General Account Settings
// load list of all groups
@ -708,8 +785,10 @@ switch ($select_local) { // Select which part of page will be loaded
case 'group' :
echo '<tr><td>';
echo _('Group members');
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td><input name="f_unix_memberUid" type="text" size="20" maxlength="200" value="' . $_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid . '">'.
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
//echo '<input name="f_unix_memberUid" type="text" size="20" maxlength="200" value="' . $_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid . '">';
echo '<input name="groupmembers" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Edit Members'); echo '">';
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>'.
'<a href="help.php?HelpNumber=468" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a>'.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Tilo Lutz
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
LDAP Account Manager displays table for creating or modifying accounts in LDAP
include_once('../../lib/'); // File with all account-funtions
include_once('../../lib/'); // File with configure-functions
include_once('../../lib/'); // functions to load and save profiles
include_once('../../lib/'); // Return error-message
include_once('../../lib/'); // Return a pdf-file
include_once('../../lib/'); // LDAP-functions
if (isset($_GET['DN'])) {
if ($_GET['DN']!='') {
if (isset($_SESSION['account_old'])) unset($_SESSION['account_old']);
$DN = str_replace("\'", '',$DN);
$_SESSION['account'] = loadgroup($DN);
$_SESSION['account_old'] = $_SESSION['account'];
$_SESSION['account']->general_dn = substr($_SESSION['account']->general_dn, strpos($_SESSION['account']->general_dn, ',')+1);
$_SESSION['final_changegids'] = '';
else $_SESSION['account'] = loadGroupProfile('default');
$values = getquotas($type);
if (is_object($values)) {
while (list($key, $val) = each($values)) // Set only defined values
if (isset($val)) $_SESSION['account']->$key = $val;
switch ($_POST['select']) { // Select which part of page should be loaded and check values
// general = startpage, general account paramters
// samba = page with all samba-related parameters e.g. smbpassword
// quota = page with all quota-related parameters e.g. hard file quota
// personal = page with all personal-related parametergs, e.g. phone number
// final = last page shown before account is created/modified
// if account is modified commands might be ran are shown
// finish = page shown after account has been created/modified
case 'groupmembers':
do { // X-Or, only one if() can be true
if (isset($_POST['users']) && isset($_POST['add'])) { // Add users to list
// Add new user
$_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = array_merge($_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid, $_POST['users']);
// remove doubles
$_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = array_flip($_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid);
$_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = array_flip($_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid);
// sort user
// display groupmembers page
$select_local = 'groupmembers';
if (isset($_POST['members']) && isset($_POST['remove'])) { // remove users fromlist
$_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid = array_delete($_POST['members'], $_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid);
$select_local = 'groupmembers';
$select_local = 'groupmembers';
} while(0);
case 'general':
// Write all general values into $_SESSION['account'] if no profile should be loaded
if (!$_POST['load']) {
$_SESSION['account']->general_dn = $_POST['f_general_suffix'];
$_SESSION['account']->general_username = $_POST['f_general_username'];
$_SESSION['account']->general_uidNumber = $_POST['f_general_uidNumber'];
$_SESSION['account']->general_gecos = $_POST['f_general_gecos'];
// Check if values are OK and set automatic values. if not error-variable will be set
if (isset($_SESSION['account_old'])) list($values, $errors) = checkglobal($_SESSION['account'], $_SESSION['account']->type, $_SESSION['account_old']); //
else list($values, $errors) = checkglobal($_SESSION['account'], $_SESSION['account']->type); //
if (is_object($values)) { // Set only defined values
while (list($key, $val) = each($values))
if (isset($val)) $_SESSION['account']->$key = $val;
// Check which part Site should be displayed next
$select_local = 'general';
case 'samba':
$_SESSION['account']->smb_domain = $_POST['f_smb_domain'];
switch ($_POST['f_smb_mapgroup']) {
case '*'._('Domain Guests'): $_SESSION['account']->smb_mapgroup = $_SESSION['account']->smb_domain->SID . "-" . '514'; break;
case '*'._('Domain Users'): $_SESSION['account']->smb_mapgroup = $_SESSION['account']->smb_domain->SID . "-" . '513'; break;
case '*'._('Domain Admins'): $_SESSION['account']->smb_mapgroup = $_SESSION['account']->smb_domain->SID . "-" . '512'; break;
case $_SESSION['account']->general_group:
if ($_SESSION['config']->samba3 == 'yes')
$_SESSION['account']->smb_mapgroup = $_SESSION['account']->smb_domain->SID . "-".
(2 * getgid($_SESSION['account']->general_group) + $_SESSION['account']->smb_domain->RIDbase +1);
else $_SESSION['account']->smb_mapgroup = (2 * getgid($_SESSION['account']->general_group) + 1001);
case $_SESSION['account']->general_username:
if ($_SESSION['config']->samba3 == 'yes')
$_SESSION['account']->smb_mapgroup = $_SESSION['account']->smb_domain->SID . "-".
(2 * $_SESSION['account']->general_uidNumber + $_SESSION['account']->smb_domain->RIDbase +1);
else $_SESSION['account']->smb_mapgroup = (2 * $_SESSION['account']->general_uidNumber + 1001);
case 'quota':
// Write all general values into $_SESSION['account']
while ($_SESSION['account']->quota[$i][0]) {
$_SESSION['account']->quota[$i][2] = $_POST['f_quota_'.$i.'_2'];
$_SESSION['account']->quota[$i][3] = $_POST['f_quota_'.$i.'_3'];
$_SESSION['account']->quota[$i][6] = $_POST['f_quota_'.$i.'_6'];
$_SESSION['account']->quota[$i][7] = $_POST['f_quota_'.$i.'_7'];
// Check if values are OK and set automatic values. if not error-variable will be set
list($values, $errors) = checkquota($_SESSION['account'], $_SESSION['account']->type); //
if (is_object($values)) {
while (list($key, $val) = each($values)) // Set only defined values
if (isset($val)) $_SESSION['account']->$key = $val;
// Check which part Site should be displayed next
case 'final':
// Write all general values into $_SESSION['account']
if ($_POST['f_final_changegids']) $_SESSION['final_changegids'] = $_POST['f_final_changegids'] ;
// Check which part Site should be displayed next
// Write HTML-Header and part of Table
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<html><head><title>";
echo _("Create new Account");
echo "</title>\n".
"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../../style/layout.css\">\n".
"<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">\n".
"<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\">\n";
do { // X-Or, only one if() can be true
if ($_POST['next_members']) {
if (!isset($errors)) $select_local='groupmembers';
if ($_POST['next_general']) {
if (!isset($errors)) $select_local='general';
if ($_POST['next_samba']) {
if (!isset($errors)) $select_local='samba';
if ($_POST['next_quota']) {
if (!isset($errors)) $select_local='quota';
if ($_POST['next_final']) {
if (!isset($errors)) $select_local='final';
if ( $_POST['create'] ) { // Create-Button was pressed
if ($_SESSION['account_old']) $result = modifygroup($_SESSION['account'],$_SESSION['account_old']);
else $result = creategroup($_SESSION['account']); //
if ( $result==1 || $result==3 ) $select_local = 'finish';
else $select_local = 'final';
// Reset variables if recreate-button was pressed
if ($_POST['createagain']) {
$_SESSION['account'] = loadUserProfile('default');
if ($_POST['backmain']) {
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"2; URL=../lists/listgroups.php\">\n";
if ($_POST['load']) {
// load profile
if ($_POST['f_general_selectprofile']!='') $_SESSION['account'] = loadGroupProfile($_POST['f_general_selectprofile']);
// select general page after group has been loaded
if ($_POST['save']) {
// save profile
saveGroupProfile($_SESSION['account'], $_POST['f_finish_safeProfile']);
// select last page displayed before user is created
if ($_POST['groupmembers']) {
// Set selected page to general if no page was defined. should only true if groupedit.php wasn't called by itself
if (!$select_local) $select_local='general';
} while(0);
echo "</head><body>\n";
echo "<form action=\"groupedit.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
//echo "<table class=\"account\" width=\"100%\">\n";
//if (is_array($errors))
// for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($errors); $i++) StatusMessage($errors[$i][0], $errors[$i][1], $errors[$i][2]);
// print_r($_SESSION['account']);
switch ($select_local) { // Select which part of page will be loaded
// general = startpage, general account paramters
// unix = page with all shadow-options and password
// samba = page with all samba-related parameters e.g. smbpassword
// quota = page with all quota-related parameters e.g. hard file quota
// personal = page with all personal-related parametergs, e.g. phone number
// final = last page shown before account is created/modified
// if account is modified commands might be ran are shown
// finish = page shown after account has been created/modified
case 'groupmembers':
echo "<input name=\"select\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"groupmembers\">\n";
echo "<fieldset><legend><b>". _('Additional group members') . "</b></legend>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "<td><fieldset><legend>";
echo _('Group members');
echo "</legend><select name=\"members[]\" size=15 multiple>\n";
for ($i=0; $i<count($_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid); $i++)
if ($_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid[$i]!='') echo " <option>".$_SESSION['account']->unix_memberUid[$i]."</option>\n";
echo "</select></fieldset></td>\n";
echo "<td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"add\" value=\"<=\">";
echo " ";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"remove\" value=\"=>\"><br><br>";
echo "<a href=\"help.php?HelpNumber=XXX\" target=\"lamhelp\">"._('Help-XX')."</a></td>\n";
echo "<td><fieldset><legend>";
echo _('Available users');
echo "</legend><select name=\"users[]\" size=15 multiple>\n";
foreach ($_SESSION['userDN'] as $temp)
if (is_array($temp)) {
echo " <option>$temp[cn]</option>\n";
echo "</select></fieldset></td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</fieldset>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n";
echo "<td>1. <input name=\"next_general\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('General'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>2. "; echo _('Members'); echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>3. <input name=\"next_samba\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Samba'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>4. <input name=\"next_quota\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Quota'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>5. <input name=\"next_final\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Final'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
case 'general':
// General Account Settings
// load list of profiles
$profilelist = getGroupProfiles();
// Show page info
echo "<input name=\"select\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"general\">\n";
echo "<fieldset><legend><b>";
echo _("General properties");
echo "</b></legend>\n<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n<td>";
echo _("Groupname")."*";
echo "</td>\n<td>".
"<input name=\"f_general_username\" type=\"text\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"20\" value=\"".$_SESSION['account']->general_username."\">".
"</td>\n<td><a href=\"help.php?HelpNumber=407\" target=\"lamhelp\">"._('Help')."</a></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>";
echo _('GID number');
echo "</td>\n<td><input name=\"f_general_uidNumber\" type=\"text\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"".$_SESSION['account']->general_uidNumber."\">".
"</td>\n<td><a href=\"help.php?HelpNumber=408\" target=\"lamhelp\">"._('Help').
echo _('Gecos');
echo "</td>\n<td><input name=\"f_general_gecos\" type=\"text\" size=\"30\" value=\"".$_SESSION['account']->general_gecos."\"></td>\n".
"<td><a href=\"help.php?HelpNumber=409\" target=\"lamhelp\">"._('Help')."</a></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>";
echo _('Suffix'); echo "</td>\n<td><select name=\"f_general_suffix\">";
foreach ($_SESSION['ldap']->search_units($_SESSION['config']->get_GroupSuffix()) as $suffix) {
if ($_SESSION['account']->general_dn) {
if ($_SESSION['account']->general_dn == $suffix)
echo " <option selected>$suffix</option>\n";
else echo " <option>$suffix</option>\n";
else echo " <option>$suffix</option>\n";
echo "</select></td>\n<td><a href=\"help.php?HelpNumber=462\" target=\"lamhelp\">"._('Help').
echo _('Values with * are required');
echo "</fieldset>\n";
echo "<fieldset><legend>";
echo _("Load profile");
echo "</legend>\n<table border=0>\n<tr>\n<td>";
echo "<select name=\"f_general_selectprofile\" >";
foreach ($profilelist as $profile) echo " <option>$profile</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n".
"<input name=\"load\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Load Profile');
echo "\"></td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</fieldset>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n";
echo "<td>1. "; echo _('General'); echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>2. <input name=\"next_members\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Members'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>3. <input name=\"next_samba\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Samba'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>4. <input name=\"next_quota\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Quota'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>5. <input name=\"next_final\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Final'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
case 'samba':
// Samba Settings
if ($_SESSION['config']->samba3 == 'yes') $samba3domains = $_SESSION['ldap']->search_domains($_SESSION[config]->get_domainSuffix());
echo "<input name=\"select\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"samba\">\n";
echo "<fieldset><legend><b>"._('Samba properties')."</b></legend>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr><td>";
echo _('Windows groupname');
echo "</td>\n<td><select name=\"f_smb_mapgroup\">";
if ( $_SESSION['account']->smb_mapgroup == $_SESSION['account']->smb_domain->SID . "-".
(2 * $_SESSION['account']->uidNumber) + $values->smb_domain->RIDbase +1) {
echo '<option selected> ';
echo $_SESSION['account']->general_username;
echo "</option>\n"; }
else {
echo '<option> ';
echo $_SESSION['account']->general_username;
echo "</option>\n";
if ( $_SESSION['account']->smb_mapgroup == $_SESSION['account']->smb_domain->SID . "-" . '514' ) {
echo '<option selected> *';
echo _('Domain Guests');
echo "</option>\n"; }
else {
echo '<option> *';
echo _('Domain Guests');
echo "</option>\n";
if ( $_SESSION['account']->smb_mapgroup == $_SESSION['account']->smb_domain->SID . "-" . '513' ) {
echo '<option selected> *';
echo _('Domain Users');
echo "</option>\n"; }
else {
echo '<option> *';
echo _('Domain Users');
echo "</option>\n";
if ( $_SESSION['account']->smb_mapgroup == $_SESSION['account']->smb_domain->SID . "-" . '512' ) {
echo '<option selected> *';
echo _('Domain Admins');
echo "</option>\n"; }
else {
echo '<option> *';
echo _('Domain Admins');
echo "</option>\n";
echo "</select></td>\n<td>".
'<a href="help.php?HelpNumber=464" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a>'.
echo _('Domain');
echo '</td><td><select name="f_smb_domain">';
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($samba3domains); $i++) {
if ($_SESSION['account']->smb_domain->name) {
if ($_SESSION['account']->smb_domain->name == $samba3domains[$i]->name)
echo '<option selected>' . $samba3domains[$i]->name. '</option>';
else echo '<option>' . $samba3domains[$i]->name. '</option>';
else echo '<option>' . $samba3domains[$i]->name. '</option>';
echo '</select></td>'."\n".'<td><a href="help.php?HelpNumber=467" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td></tr>'."\n";
echo "</table>\n</fieldset>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n";
echo "<td>2. <input name=\"next_general\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('General'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>2. <input name=\"next_members\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Members'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>3. "; echo _('Samba'); echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>4. <input name=\"next_quota\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Quota'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>5. <input name=\"next_final\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Final'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
case 'quota':
// Quota Settings
echo '<input name="select" type="hidden" value="quota">';
echo "<fieldset><legend><b>"._('Quota properties')."</b></legend>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr><td>";
echo _('Mountpoint'); echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>'; echo _('Used blocks'); echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
echo _('Soft block limit'); echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>'; echo _('Hard block limit'); echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>'; echo _('Grace block period');
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>'; echo _('Used inodes'); echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>'; echo _('Soft inode limit'); echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
echo _('Hard inode limit'); echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>'; echo _('Grace inode period'); echo '</td></tr>'."\n";
echo '<tr><td><a href="help.php?HelpNumber=439" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td><a href="help.php?HelpNumber=440" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td>'.
'<a href="help.php?HelpNumber=441" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td><a href="help.php?HelpNumber=442" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td>'.
'<a href="help.php?HelpNumber=443" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td><a href="help.php?HelpNumber=444" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td>'.
'<a href="help.php?HelpNumber=445" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td><a href="help.php?HelpNumber=446" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td>'.
'<a href="help.php?HelpNumber=447" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td></tr>'."\n";
while ($_SESSION['account']->quota[$i][0]) {
echo '<tr><td>'.$_SESSION['account']->quota[$i][0].'</td><td>'.$_SESSION['account']->quota[$i][1].'</td>'; // used blocks
echo '<td><input name="f_quota_'.$i.'_2" type="text" size="12" maxlength="20" value="'.$_SESSION['account']->quota[$i][2].'"></td>'; // blocks soft limit
echo '<td><input name="f_quota_'.$i.'_3" type="text" size="12" maxlength="20" value="'.$_SESSION['account']->quota[$i][3].'"></td>'; // blocks hard limit
echo '<td>'.$_SESSION['account']->quota[$i][4].'</td>'; // block grace period
echo '<td>'.$_SESSION['account']->quota[$i][5].'</td>'; // used inodes
echo '<td><input name="f_quota_'.$i.'_6" type="text" size="12" maxlength="20" value="'.$_SESSION['account']->quota[$i][6].'"></td>'; // inodes soft limit
echo '<td><input name="f_quota_'.$i.'_7" type="text" size="12" maxlength="20" value="'.$_SESSION['account']->quota[$i][7].'"></td>'; // inodes hard limit
echo '<td>'.$_SESSION['account']->quota[$i][8].'</td></tr>'; // inodes grace period
echo "</table>\n</fieldset>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n";
echo "<td>2. <input name=\"next_general\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('General'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>2. <input name=\"next_members\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Members'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>3. <input name=\"next_samba\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Samba'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>4. "; echo _('Quota'); echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>5. <input name=\"next_final\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Final'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
case 'final':
// Final Settings
echo '<input name="select" type="hidden" value="final">';
echo "<fieldset><legend><b>";
if ($_SESSION['account_old']) echo _('Modify');
else echo _('Create');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">";
if (($_SESSION['account_old']) && ($_SESSION['account']->general_uidNumber != $_SESSION['account_old']->general_uidNumber)) {
echo '<tr>';
StatusMessage ('INFO', _('GID-number has changed. You have to run the following command as root in order to change existing file-permissions:'),
'find / -gid ' . $_SESSION['account_old' ]->general_uidNumber . ' -exec chgrp ' . $_SESSION['account']->general_uidNumber . ' {} \;');
echo '</tr>'."\n";
echo '<tr><td>';
echo '<input name="f_final_changegids" type="checkbox"';
if ($_SESSION['final_changegids']) echo ' checked ';
echo ' >';
echo _('Change GID-Number of all users in group to new value');
echo '</td></tr>'."\n";
if (isset($_SESSION['account_old']->general_objectClass)) {
if (($_SESSION['config']->samba3 == 'yes') && (!in_array('sambaGroupMapping', $_SESSION['account_old']->general_objectClass))) {
echo '<tr>';
StatusMessage('WARN', _('ObjectClass sambaGroupMapping not found.'), _('Have to recreate entry.'));
echo "</tr>\n";
if (!in_array('posixGroup', $_SESSION['account_old']->general_objectClass)) {
echo '<tr>';
StatusMessage('WARN', _('ObjectClass posixGroup not found.'), _('Have to recreate entry.'));
echo "</tr>\n";
echo '<tr><td>'.
'<input name="back" type="submit" value="'; echo _('back'); echo '">'.
'</td>'."\n".'<td><input name="f_finish_safeProfile" type="text" size="30" maxlength="50">'.
'<input name="save" type="submit" value="';
echo _('Save profile');
echo '"><a href="help.php?HelpNumber=457" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a>'.
'<input name="create" type="submit" value="';
if ($_SESSION['account_old']) echo _('Modify Account');
else echo _('Create Account');
echo '">'.
echo "</table>\n</fieldset>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n";
echo "<td>2. <input name=\"next_general\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('General'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>2. <input name=\"next_members\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Members'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>3. <input name=\"next_samba\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Samba'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>4. <input name=\"next_quota\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Quota'); echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td>==></td>";
echo "<td>5. "; echo _('Final'); echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
case 'finish':
// Final Settings
echo '<input name="select" type="hidden" value="finish">';
echo "<fieldset><legend><b>"._('Success')."</b></legend>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr><td>";
echo '<tr><td>';
echo _('Group').' ';
echo $_SESSION['account']->general_username;
if ($_SESSION['account_old']) echo ' '._('has been modified').'.';
else echo ' '._('has been created').'.';
echo '</td></tr>'."\n".'<tr><td>';
if (!$_SESSION['account_old'])
{ echo' <input name="createagain" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Create another group'); echo '">'; }
echo '</td><td></td><td>'.
'<input name="backmain" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Back to group list'); echo '">'.
case 'backmain':
// unregister sessionvar and select which list should be shown
echo '<a href="../lists/listgroups.php">';
echo _('Please press here if meta-refresh didn\'t work.');
echo "</a>\n";
if (isset($_SESSION['shelllist'])) unset($_SESSION['shelllist']);
if (isset($_SESSION['account'])) unset($_SESSION['account']);
if (isset($_SESSION['account_old'])) unset($_SESSION['account_old']);
// Print end of HTML-Page
echo '</form></body></html>';