[ class tree: PDF ] [ index: PDF ] [ all elements ]

Procedural File: pdfmain.php

Source Location: /templates/pdfedit/pdfmain.php

Page Details:

This is the main window of the pdf structure editor.


author:  Michael Dürgner


include_once("../../lib/security.inc") [line 32]
security functions

include_once("../../lib/pdfstruct.inc") [line 34]
access to PDF configuration files

include_once("../../lib/ldap.inc") [line 36]
LDAP object

include_once("../../lib/config.inc") [line 38]
for language settings

include_once("../../lib/modules.inc") [line 40]
module functions

Documentation generated on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 12:10:59 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.0