[ class tree: lists ] [ index: lists ] [ all elements ]

Procedural File: update.php

Source Location: /templates/tree/update.php

Page Details:

Updates or deletes a value from a specified attribute for a specified dn.

Variables that come in on the query string:

  • dn (rawurlencoded)
  • update_array (an array in the form expected by PHP's ldap_modify, except for deletions) (will never be empty: update_confirm.php ensures that)
Attribute deletions: To specify that an attribute is to be deleted (whether multi- or single-valued), enter that attribute in the update array like this: attr => ''. For example, to delete the 'sn' attribute from an entry, the update array would look like this: Array ( sn => '' )

On success, redirect to edit.php On failure, echo an error.


author:  Roland Gruber
author:  David Smith


include_once('../../lib/') [line 57]
security functions

include_once('../../lib/') [line 59]
tree functions

include_once('../../lib/') [line 61]
access to configuration

include_once('../../lib/') [line 63]
LDAP functions

Documentation generated on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 18:01:12 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.2.3