DonationsWhy you should donate:LAM is developed in our free time without gaining money for the work. This is the big advantage that free software offers to you. Of course, we also need to work to afford our life. Therefore the time we can spend for the project is limited. You can help us to spend more time by making donations. This will make it possible for us to buy hardware, software or present LAM on one of the various Free Software exhibitions. Please note that you will always get a consideration for your support. Your money helps us to keep LAM alive and continue the support for this product. If you need special modifications or feature enhancements in LAM we are strongly interested in helping you in return for a donation. Please contact Roland Gruber for details. Take a look at our bounty page: BountiesHow you can donate:PayPal: Just use the donation service provided by Sourceforge. Bank transfer: Account holder: Roland Gruber Bank name: 1822direkt Germany: Account number: 1252 757 733, BLZ: 500 502 01 International: IBAN: DE50 5005 0201 1252 7577 33, BIC: FRASDEFF Other possibilities on request. |