[ class tree: lists ] [ index: lists ] [ all elements ]

Procedural File: collapse.php

Source Location: /templates/tree/collapse.php

Page Details:

This script alters the session variable 'tree', collapsing it at the dn specified in the query string.

Variables that come in as GET vars:

  • dn (rawurlencoded)
  • server_id
Note: this script is equal and opposite to expand.php


author:  David Smith
author:  Roland Gruber


include_once('../../lib/') [line 48]
security functions

include_once('../../lib/') [line 50]
tree functions

include_once('../../lib/') [line 52]
access to configuration

include_once('../../lib/') [line 54]
LDAP functions

Documentation generated on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 20:26:21 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.0