[ class tree: lists ] [ index: lists ] [ all elements ]

Class: lamList

Source Location: /lib/

Class Overview

Generates the list view.


  • Roland Gruber



Child classes:

Generates the list view.
Generates the list view.
Generates the list view.
Generates the list view.
Generates the list view.

Class Details

[line 47]
Generates the list view.


author:  Roland Gruber

[ Top ]

Class Variables

$attrArray = array()

[line 56]

list of LDAP attributes

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$descArray = array()

[line 59]

list of attribute descriptions

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$entries =

[line 74]

LDAP entries

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$filterText =

[line 77]

filter string to include in URL

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$labels =

[line 83]

list of account specific labels

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$maxPageEntries =  10

[line 62]

maximum count of entries per page

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$page =  1

[line 53]

current page number

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$possibleSuffixes =

[line 80]

list of possible LDAP suffixes(organizational units)

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$refresh =  true

[line 71]

refresh page switch

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$sortColumn =

[line 65]

sort column name

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$suffix =

[line 68]

LDAP suffix

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$type =

[line 50]

Account type

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

Class Methods

constructor lamList [line 91]

lamList lamList( string $type)



return:  list object


string   $type   account type

[ Top ]

method cmp_array [line 265]

integer cmp_array( &$a, &$b, array $a, array $b)

Compare function used for usort-method

Rows are sorted with the first attribute entry of the sort column. If objects have attributes with multiple values only the first is used for sorting.


return:  0 if both are equal, 1 if $a is greater, -1 if $b is greater


array   $a   first row which is compared
array   $b   second row which is compared

[ Top ]

method listBuildFilter [line 167]

array listBuildFilter( )

Builds the regular expressions from the filter values.


return:  filter data array($attribute => array('regex' => $reg, 'original' => $orig)) $reg is the regular expression to use, $orig the user's unmodified input string

[ Top ]

method listDoPost [line 449]

void listDoPost( )

Manages all POST actions (e.g. button pressed) for the account lists.

Overridden in child classes as:

Manages all POST actions (e.g. button pressed) for the account lists.
Manages all POST actions (e.g. button pressed) for the account lists.

[ Top ]

method listDrawNavigationBar [line 284]

void listDrawNavigationBar( integer $count)

Draws a navigation bar to switch between pages


integer   $count   number of account entries

[ Top ]

method listFilterAccounts [line 211]

array listFilterAccounts( )

Removes all entries which do not fit to the filter.


return:  filtered list of accounts

[ Top ]

method listGetAttributeDescriptionList [line 633]

array listGetAttributeDescriptionList( )

Returns an hash array containing with all attributes to be shown and their descriptions.

Format: array(attribute => description)


return:  attribute list

[ Top ]

method listGetParams [line 667]

void listGetParams( )

Sets some internal parameters.

Overridden in child classes as:

Sets some internal parameters.
Sets some internal parameters.

[ Top ]

method listPrintAdditionalOptions [line 729]

void listPrintAdditionalOptions( )

Prints additional option fields for specific object types.

Overridden in child classes as:

Prints additional option field for primary member display.
Prints additional option fields for specific object types.

[ Top ]

method listPrintButtons [line 539]

void listPrintButtons( boolean $createOnly)

Prints the create, delete and PDF buttons.


boolean   $createOnly   true if only the create button should be displayed

[ Top ]

method listPrintHeader [line 576]

void listPrintHeader( )

Prints the HTML head.

[ Top ]

method listPrintJavaScript [line 588]

void listPrintJavaScript( )

Prints JavaScript code needed for mouse-over effects.

[ Top ]

method listPrintPDFButtons [line 559]

void listPrintPDFButtons( )

Prints the PDF button bar.

[ Top ]

method listPrintTableBody [line 367]

void listPrintTableBody( &$info, array $info)

Prints the entry list


array   $info   entries

[ Top ]

method listPrintTableCellContent [line 430]

void listPrintTableCellContent( &$entry, &$attribute, array $entry, string $attribute)

Prints the content of a cell in the account list for a given LDAP entry and attribute.

Overridden in child classes as:

Prints the content of a cell in the account list for a given LDAP entry and attribute.
Prints the content of a cell in the account list for a given LDAP entry and attribute.


array   $entry   LDAP attributes
string   $attribute   attribute name

[ Top ]

method listPrintTableHeader [line 320]

void listPrintTableHeader( )

Prints the attribute and filter row at the account table head

[ Top ]

method listPrintToolLinks [line 413]

void listPrintToolLinks( $account)

Prints the tool image links (e.g. edit and delete) for each account.

$account array LDAP attributes



[ Top ]

method listRefreshData [line 696]

void listRefreshData( )

Rereads the entries from LDAP.

Overridden in child classes as:

Rereads the entries from LDAP.
Rereads the entries from LDAP.

[ Top ]

method listShowOUSelection [line 519]

void listShowOUSelection( )

Prints a combobox with possible sub-DNs.

[ Top ]

method listSort [line 246]

array listSort( &$info, array $info)

Sorts an account list by a given attribute


return:  sorted account list


array   $info   the account list

[ Top ]

method showPage [line 105]

void showPage( )

Prints the HTML code to display the list view.

[ Top ]

Documentation generated on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 12:10:55 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.0