[ class tree: modules ] [ index: modules ] [ all elements ]

Procedural File:

Source Location: /lib/


This class includes all modules and attributes of an account.

Page Details:

Interface between modules and other parts of LAM.


author:  Tilo Lutz
author:  Michael Duergner
author:  Roland Gruber


include_once("") [line 43]
lamdaemon functions

include_once("") [line 39]
parent class of account modules

include_once("") [line 35]
LDAP caches

include_once("") [line 37]
some helper functions

include_once($modulesINC_dirname.'/'.$entry) [line 55]
This includes all module files.

include_once("") [line 41]
access to LDAP server

include_once("") [line 45]
security functions

buildUploadAccounts [line 396]

mixed buildUploadAccounts( string $scope, array $data, array $ids)

This function builds the LDAP accounts for the file upload.

If there are problems status messages will be printed automatically.


return:  array including accounts or false if there were errors


string   $scope   account type
array   $data   array containing one account in each element
array   $ids   array(<column_name> => <column number>)
[ Top ]

checkConfigOptions [line 319]

array checkConfigOptions( array $scopes, array $options)

Checks if the configuration options are valid


return:  list of error messages


array   $scopes   hash array (module name => array(account types))
array   $options   hash array containing all options (name => array(...))
[ Top ]

checkProfileOptions [line 285]

array checkProfileOptions( string $scope, array $options)

Checks if the profile options are valid


return:  list of error messages


string   $scope   account type (user, group, host)
array   $options   hash array containing all options (name => array(...))
[ Top ]

check_module_conflicts [line 229]

boolean check_module_conflicts( array $selected, array $deps)

Checks if there are conflicts between modules


return:  false if no conflict was found, otherwise an array of array(selected module, conflicting module) if conflicts were found


array   $selected   selected module names
array   $deps   module dependencies
[ Top ]

check_module_depends [line 188]

mixed check_module_depends( array $selected, array $deps)

Checks if there are missing dependencies between modules.


return:  false if no misssing dependency was found, otherwise an array of array(selected module, depending module) if missing dependencies were found


array   $selected   selected module names
array   $deps   module dependencies
[ Top ]

doUploadPostActions [line 476]

array doUploadPostActions( string $scope, array $data, array $ids, array $failed)

This function executes one post upload action.


return:  current status
array (
'status' => 'finished' | 'inProgress'
'module' => <name of active module>
'progress' => 0..100
'errors' => array (<array of parameters for StatusMessage>)


string   $scope   account type
array   $data   array containing one account in each element
array   $ids   array(<column_name> => <column number>)
array   $failed   list of accounts which were not created successfully
[ Top ]

getAvailableModules [line 248]

array getAvailableModules( string $scope)

Returns an array with all available user module names


return:  list of possible modules


string   $scope   account type (user, group, host)
[ Top ]

getAvailablePDFFields [line 350]

array getAvailablePDFFields( string $scope)

Returns a list of available PDF entries.


return:  PDF entries


string   $scope   account type (user, group, host)
[ Top ]

getConfigOptions [line 302]

array getConfigOptions( array $scopes)

Returns a hash array (module name => elements) of all module options for the configuration page.


return:  configuration options


array   $scopes   hash array (module name => array(account types))
[ Top ]

getHelp [line 339]

array getHelp( string $module, string $helpID, [ $scope = ''])

Returns a help entry from an account module.


return:  help entry


string   $helpID   help identifier
string   $module   module name
[ Top ]

getModuleAlias [line 65]

string getModuleAlias( string $name, string $scope)

Returns the alias name of a module


return:  alias name


string   $name   the module name
string   $scope   the account type ("user", "group", "host")
[ Top ]

getModulesDependencies [line 170]

array getModulesDependencies( string $scope)

Returns a hash array (module name => dependencies) of all module dependencies

"dependencies" contains an array with two sub arrays: depends, conflicts
The elements of "depends" are either module names or an array of module names (OR-case).
The elements of conflicts are module names.


return:  dependencies


string   $scope   the account type (user, group, host)
[ Top ]

getProfileOptions [line 268]

array getProfileOptions( string $scope)

Returns the elements for the profile page.


return:  profile elements


string   $scope   account type (user, group, host)
[ Top ]

getRDNAttributes [line 120]

array getRDNAttributes( string $scope)

Returns a list of LDAP attributes which can be used to form the RDN.

The list is already sorted by the priority given by the nodules.


return:  list of LDAP attributes


string   $scope   account type (user, group, host)
[ Top ]

getRequiredExtensions [line 512]

array getRequiredExtensions( )

Returns true if the module is a base module


return:  required extensions

[ Top ]

getUploadColumns [line 376]

array getUploadColumns( string $scope)

Returns an array containing all input columns for the file upload.

string: name, // fixed non-translated name which is used as column name (should be of format: <module name>_<column name>)
string: description, // short descriptive name
string: help, // help ID
string: example, // example value
boolean: required // true, if user must set a value for this column


return:  column list


string   $scope   account type
[ Top ]

get_ldap_filter [line 88]

string get_ldap_filter( string $scope)

Returns the LDAP filter used by the account lists


return:  LDAP filter


string   $scope   the account type ("user", "group", "host")
[ Top ]

is_base_module [line 77]

boolean is_base_module( string $name, string $scope)

Returns true if the module is a base module


return:  true if base module


string   $name   the module name
string   $scope   the account type ("user", "group", "host")
[ Top ]

parseHtml [line 674]

array parseHtml( string $module, array $input, array $values, boolean $restricted, &$tabindex, &$tabindexLink, string $scope, integer $tabindex, integer $tabindexLink)

Takes a list of meta-HTML elements and prints the equivalent HTML output.

The modules are not allowed to display HTML code directly but return meta HTML code. This allows to have a common design for all module pages.

Meta HTML code is always returned as a three dimensional array[a][b][c] where a is the row number, b is the column number and c is is a data element.

Format of data elements:

A data element is an array which contains the data to display.
All data elements must contail a value "kind" which defines what kind of element should be displayed.

These are the possibilies for kind and what other options have to be added to the array:

  • fieldset: Inserts a fieldset.
    • legend: The legend of the fieldset.
    • value: A data element. Can be used recursively.
  • help: Adds a help link.
    • value: The help number for the help entry.
    • scope: The account type for the help entry.
  • input: Adds a HTML input element.
    • name: The name of the element, will be used later as variable name when user input is returned.
    • type: allowed values: submit, reset, checkbox, text, password, file, hidden
    • checked: Boolean value, if true a checkbox will be checked. This value is only needed or checkboxes.
    • disabled: Boolean value, if true the element will be disabled.
    • size: The length of the input element, only used for text, password and file.
    • maxlength: The maximum size of the input element, only used for text, password and file.
    • value: The element will have this value as default. Button elements will have this as caption.
  • select: This will add a select field.
    • name: The name of the element, will be used later as variable name when user input is returned.
    • multiple: Boolean value, if set to true the user can select more than one entry.
    • options: Array of string. This is the list of option values the user can select.
    • options_selected: Array of string. This is the list of pre selected elements, must contain values that are also in options.
    • descriptiveOptions: Boolean value, if set to true then all elements in options must be arrays themselves (array(value, description)) (default: false)
    • size: The size of the select field, if set to 1 a dropdown box will be displayed.
    • noSorting: If set to true then the entries will not be sorted. Default is false.
    • onchange: onchange event
  • table: Adds a table. Can be used recursively.
    • value: A data element. Can be used recursively.
  • text: Inserts a text element.
    • text: The text to display.
  • textarea: Adds a multiline text field.
    • name: The name of the element, will be used later as variable name when user input is returned.
    • rows: Number of rows (required)
    • cols: Number of characters for each line (required)
    • readonly: Boolean value, if true the text field will be read only.
  • image: Displays an image.
    • path: Path to the image
    • width: Width of the image
    • height: Height of the image
    • alt: Alt text of the image

Beneath those values a "td" value may be added. This has to be an array with one or more of these options:

  • colspan: Like the HTML colspan attribute for td elements
  • rowspan: Like the HTML rowspan attribute for td elements
  • align: left/center/right/justify Like the HTML align attribute
  • valign: top/middle/bottom Like the HTML valign attribute
  • width: Like the HTML height attribute for td elements

Input buttons which should load a different subpage of a module must have a special name attribute:

name => 'form_subpage_' . <module name> . '_' . <subpage name> . '_' . <button name>
  • <module name>: name of this account module (e.g. 'posixAccount')
  • <subpage name>: name of next subpage (e.g. 'attributes')
  • <button name>: a name to distinguish buttons (e.g. 'ok'/'cancel'/'back')

  1.  array(
  2.   array(
  3.     array("kind" => "text""text" => "This is an example""td" => array("colspan" => 3))
  4.   ),
  5.   array(
  6.     array("kind" => "text""text" => "Input:"),
  7.     array("kind" => "input""name" => "myinput""type" => "text"),
  8.     array("kind" => "help""value" => "42")
  9.   ),
  10.   array(
  11.     array("kind" => "input""name" => 'form_subpage_myModule_attributes_back'"value" => _("Back"))
  12.   )
  13. )


return:  List of input field names and their type (name => type)


string   $module   Name of account module
array   $input   List of meta-HTML elements
array   $values   List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value)
boolean   $restricted   If true then no buttons will be displayed
integer   $tabindex   Start value of tabulator index for input fields
integer   $tabindexLink   Start value of tabulator index for links
string   $scope   Account type
[ Top ]

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