[ class tree: lib ] [ index: lib ] [ all elements ]

Procedural File:

Source Location: /lib/

Page Details:

This file includes functions to perform several security checks on each page load.


author:  Roland Gruber


include_once('') [line 34]
ldap connection

include_once('') [line 32]
configuration options

checkClientIP [line 75]

void checkClientIP( )

Checks if the client's IP address is on the list of allowed IPs.

The script is stopped if the host is not valid.

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checkIfPasswordChangeIsAllowed [line 202]

boolean checkIfPasswordChangeIsAllowed( )

Checks if passwords may be changed.


return:  true, if allowed

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checkIfWriteAccessIsAllowed [line 187]

boolean checkIfWriteAccessIsAllowed( )

Checks if write access to LDAP is allowed.


return:  true, if allowed

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logNewMessage [line 150]

void logNewMessage( string $level, string $message)

Puts a new message in the log file.


string   $level   log level (LOG_NOTICE, LOG_WARNING, LOG_ERR)
string   $message   log message
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logoffAndBackToLoginPage [line 103]

void logoffAndBackToLoginPage( )

Logs off the user and displays the login page.

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startSecureSession [line 43]

void startSecureSession( )

Starts a session and checks the environment.

The script is stopped if one of the checks fail.

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Documentation generated on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 20:26:55 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.0