Das sollte https://otrs.wikimedia.de/otrs/index.pl?Action=AgentTicketZoom;TicketID=1314485 lösen. Angaben von Jens Behrend. |
eva | ||
evapp | ||
locale/en/LC_MESSAGES | ||
.gitignore | ||
README.md | ||
TODO | ||
manage.py |
A simple tool for on- and offboarding people in a mid sized organisation.
"EVA" is an german acronym for "Eintritt, Veränderung, Austritt", meaning "Onboarding, Change, Offboarding"
install gettext for instance via "apt install gettext" for translations
set up a virtual environment with virtualenvwrapper or some other environment managing tool
use this environment and do
pip install django django-multiselectfield django-formtools django-allauth
clone this repository
ln -sr eva/settings_development.py eva/settings.py
initialise your database with
python manage.py migrate
start your development server with
python manage.py runserver
- You need to add oauth information in the django backend via .../admin in "Social Accounts"
you can use gunicorn as server for example instead of the django development server.
we use whitenoise for serving static files
we still use the development SQLITE database from django
do the following in the project main directory:
ln -sr eva/settings_production.py eva/settings.py
edit /secrets.json to contain something similar to
run the following commands:
python3 manage.py migrate python3 manage.py collectstatic django-admin compilemessages
server starts with
export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=TRUE; nohup gunicorn --forwarded-allow-ips="*" -b '0:8000' eva.wsgi &> logfile &