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Class: AttributeType

Source Location: /lib/

Class Overview


Represents an LDAP AttributeType



Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class Details

[line 514]
Represents an LDAP AttributeType

[ Top ]

Class Variables

$aliases =

[line 539]

An array of alias attribute names, strings

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$equality =

[line 523]

The equality rule used

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$is_collective =

[line 533]

boolean: is collective?

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$is_no_user_modification =

[line 535]

boolean: can use modify?

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$is_obsolete =

[line 519]

string: the description

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$is_single_value =

[line 531]

boolean: is single valued only?

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$max_length =

[line 541]

The max number of characters this attribute can be

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$name =

[line 517]

The name of this attributeType

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$ordering =

[line 525]

The ordering of the attributeType

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$required_by_object_classes = array()

[line 547]

A list of object class names that require this attribute type.

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$sub_str =

[line 527]

Boolean: supports substring matching?

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$sup_attribute =

[line 521]

The attribute from which this attribute inherits (if any)

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$syntax =

[line 529]

The full syntax string, ie{16}

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$type =

[line 543]

A string description of the syntax type (taken from the LDAPSyntaxes)

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$usage =

[line 537]

The usage string set by the LDAP schema

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$used_in_object_classes =

[line 545]

An array of objectClasses which use this attributeType (must be set by caller)

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

Class Methods

constructor AttributeType [line 579]

AttributeType AttributeType( $raw_ldap_attr_string)

Creates a new AttributeType objcet from a raw LDAP AttributeType string.



[ Top ]

method addAlias [line 878]

void addAlias( string $new_alias_name)

Adds an attribute name to the alias array.


string   $new_alias_name   The name of a new attribute to add to this attribute's list of aliases.

[ Top ]

method addRequiredByObjectClass [line 948]

void addRequiredByObjectClass( string $object_class_name)

Adds an objectClass name to this attribute's list of "required by" objectClasses, that is the list of objectClasses which must have this attribute.


string   $object_class_name   The name of the objectClass to add.

[ Top ]

method addUsedInObjectClass [line 924]

void addUsedInObjectClass( string $object_class_name)

Adds an objectClass name to this attribute's list of "used in" objectClasses, that is the list of objectClasses which provide this attribute.


string   $object_class_name   The name of the objectClass to add.

[ Top ]

method getAliases [line 761]

array getAliases( )

Gets the names of attributes that are an alias for this attribute (if any).


return:  An array of names of attributes which alias this attribute or an empty array if no attribute aliases this object.

[ Top ]

method getEquality [line 733]

string getEquality( )

Gets this attribute's equality string

[ Top ]

method getIsCollective [line 833]

bool getIsCollective( )

Gets whether this attribute is collective.


return:  Returns true if this attribute is collective and false otherwise.

[ Top ]

method getIsNoUserModification [line 842]

bool getIsNoUserModification( )

Gets whether this attribute is not modifiable by users.


return:  Returns true if this attribute is not modifiable by users.

[ Top ]

method getIsObsolete [line 705]

bool getIsObsolete( )

Gets whether this attribute has been flagged as obsolete by the LDAP server

[ Top ]

method getIsSingleValue [line 815]

bool getIsSingleValue( )

Gets whether this attribute is single-valued. If this attribute only supports single values, true is returned. If this attribute supports multiple values, false is returned.


return:  Returns true if this attribute is single-valued or false otherwise.

[ Top ]

method getMaxLength [line 805]

int getMaxLength( )

Gets this attribute's the maximum length. If no maximum is defined by the LDAP server, null is returned.


return:  The maximum length (in characters) of this attribute or null if no maximum is specified.

[ Top ]

method getName [line 696]

string getName( )

Gets this attribute's name

[ Top ]

method getOrdering [line 742]

string getOrdering( )

Gets this attribute's ordering specification.

[ Top ]

method getRequiredByObjectClasses [line 962]

array getRequiredByObjectClasses( )

Gets the list of "required by" objectClasses, that is the list of objectClasses which provide must have attribute.


return:  An array of names of objectclasses (strings) which provide this attribute

[ Top ]

method getSubstr [line 751]

string getSubstr( )

Gets this attribute's substring matching specification

[ Top ]

method getSupAttribute [line 724]

string getSupAttribute( )

Gets this attribute's parent attribute (if any). If this attribute does not inherit from another attribute, null is returned.

[ Top ]

method getSyntaxOID [line 796]

string getSyntaxOID( )

Gets this attribute's syntax OID. Differs from getSyntaxString() in that this function only returns the actual OID with any length specification removed.

Ie, if the syntax string is "{16}", this function only retruns "".


return:  The syntax OID string.

[ Top ]

method getSyntaxString [line 784]

string getSyntaxString( )

Gets this attribute's raw syntax string (ie: "{16}").


return:  The raw syntax string

[ Top ]

method getType [line 851]

string getType( )

Gets this attribute's type


return:  The attribute's type.

[ Top ]

method getUsage [line 714]

string getUsage( )

Gets this attribute's usage string as defined by the LDAP server

[ Top ]

method getUsedInObjectClasses [line 938]

array getUsedInObjectClasses( )

Gets the list of "used in" objectClasses, that is the list of objectClasses which provide this attribute.


return:  An array of names of objectclasses (strings) which provide this attribute

[ Top ]

method initVars [line 552]

void initVars( )

Initialize the class' member variables

Overrides SchemaItem::initVars() (Initialize class members to default values.)

[ Top ]

method isAliasFor [line 771]

bool isAliasFor( string $attr_name)

Returns whether the specified attribute is an alias for this one (based on this attribute's alias list).


return:  True if the specified attribute is an alias for this one, or false otherwise.


string   $attr_name   The name of the attribute to check.

[ Top ]

method removeAlias [line 862]

bool removeAlias( string $remove_alias_name)

Removes an attribute name from this attribute's alias array.


return:  true on success or false on failure (ie, if the specified attribute name is not found in this attribute's list of aliases)


string   $remove_alias_name   The name of the attribute to remove.

[ Top ]

method setAliases [line 905]

void setAliases( array $new_aliases)

Sets this attribute's list of aliases.


array   $new_aliases   The array of alias names (strings)

[ Top ]

method setIsSingleValue [line 824]

void setIsSingleValue( bool $is_single_value)

Sets whether this attribute is single-valued.


bool   $is_single_value  

[ Top ]

method setName [line 887]

void setName( string $new_name)

Sets this attriute's name.


string   $new_name   The new name to give this attribute.

[ Top ]

method setSupAttribute [line 896]

void setSupAttribute( string $new_sup_attr)

Sets this attriute's SUP attribute (ie, the attribute from which this attribute inherits).


string   $new_sup_attr   The name of the new parent (SUP) attribute

[ Top ]

method setType [line 914]

void setType( string $new_type)

Sets this attribute's type.


string   $new_type   The new type.

[ Top ]

Documentation generated on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 12:11:07 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.0