[ class tree: lib ] [ index: lib ] [ all elements ]

Class: MatchingRule

Source Location: /lib/

Class Overview


Represents an LDAP MatchingRule



Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class Details

[line 1019]
Represents an LDAP MatchingRule

[ Top ]

Class Variables

$is_obsolete =

[line 1026]

Boolean value indicating whether this MatchingRule is obsolete

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$name =

[line 1022]

This rule's name

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$syntax =

[line 1024]

This rule's syntax OID

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$used_by_attrs =

[line 1028]

An array of attribute names who use this MatchingRule

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

Class Methods

constructor MatchingRule [line 1045]

MatchingRule MatchingRule( $raw_ldap_matching_rule_string)

Creates a new MatchingRule object from a raw LDAP MatchingRule string.



[ Top ]

method addUsedByAttr [line 1115]

true addUsedByAttr( $new_attr_name)

Adds an attribute name to the list of attributes who use this MatchingRule


return:  if the attribute was added and false otherwise (already in the list)



[ Top ]

method getIsObsolete [line 1137]

bool getIsObsolete( )

Gets whether this MatchingRule is flagged as obsolete by the LDAP server.


return:  True if this MatchingRule is obsolete and false otherwise.

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method getName [line 1128]

string getName( )

Gets this MatchingRule's name.


return:  The name.

[ Top ]

method getUsedByAttrs [line 1146]

array getUsedByAttrs( )

Gets an array of attribute names (strings) which use this MatchingRule


return:  The array of attribute names (strings).

[ Top ]

method initVars [line 1031]

void initVars( )

Initialize the class' member variables

Overrides SchemaItem::initVars() (Initialize class members to default values.)

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method setUsedByAttrs [line 1106]

void setUsedByAttrs( array $attrs)

Sets the list of used_by_attrs to the array specified by $attrs;


array   $attrs   The array of attribute names (strings) which use this MatchingRule

[ Top ]

Documentation generated on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 12:11:08 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.0